Words are powerful.
They can make or
break you.
So let’s get them right.

So how can I help?


I can help put your thoughts and ideas into words. Let me gather your notes, outlines, research or interview transcripts and shape them all into a manuscript that reflects your voice and your style.


Usually the last stage before printing, the main focus here is to check the final document against the approved master, looking for discrepancies and errors in every word, punctuation mark and graphic element. Has everything been included? Is it correct? I check the document is complete and that the standard of presentation is suitable for publication.


This involves listening to an audio recording and typing it accurately into text. My transcribing style is verbatim and includes detailed transcription of every word spoken, with light editing to remove irrelevant parts that break the flow of reading such as um’s, ah’s, okay’s and right’s etc., false starts or repetitions. The transcription will still need to be edited.


This is a very involved type of edit and means that I work closely with the author through the process of writing the manuscript, usually from the planning stage. In my experience, however, more often than not an author already has the structure and first draft of their book written before they seek out an editor and so aspects of a substantive edit simply become part of the copyedit process.

This is a comprehensive edit where I look for mistakes, inconsistencies or inappropriate phrasing. The focus is on the details of language, spelling and punctuation, and the consistency of style and layout. As well as checking for inconsistencies in formatting, typography, page numbering, headings and graphics, or other improprieties of expression that could irritate or confuse readers, or embarrass the author, I aim to ensure that what is written and printed is actually what you want to say.

I have worked with various types of writing including:

  • fiction

  • non-fiction

  • biographies

  • TV infomercials

  • magazine articles

  • reports

  • educational and training resources

  • student essays and theses

  • comic scripts

  • emails and letters

  • blogs

  • newsletters

  • social media content

  • and more…


About Me

I love words. I love good use of words. I even love bad use of words if it is effective and creative and interesting.

But what I love most of all is helping you say what you want, in the way you want, with the correct message and the appropriate words, to the intended audience. Words are very powerful. And can be brutal. What you write can either make or break your message, your company, your product. So it is important to get it right.

Based in Newcastle NSW, I have years of experience in copyediting and proofreading various types of documents, including university theses, comic scripts, autobiographies, business correspondence, life management manuals, and both fictional and non-fictional stories. Recently I had the great privilege of being intricately involved in writing a book with a client in a manner closely resembling ghostwriting.

I am passionate about helping you bring your words to life, create the document you envisage and make it as accurate and complete as possible – while representing your interests and intentions with clarity. I am committed to ensuring your document communicates to the audience it is intended for, in the most effective and inoffensive way – unless of course that is your intention!

Contact me to see how I can help you complete your project.